A postcard, a postcard, what a beautiful thing!
We received a postcard last week from New York! I've never been but would love to go! The sites, the sounds...the shopping! So what a lovely thought to send it our way. I'm told it was the only postcard they sent - now I'm really feeling special! (They stayed at THE Waldorf Astoria - jealous!).
A postcard is indeed special mail by all accounts! Such a little gift. A snapshot. A moment. A window. Someone on an amazing adventure stopped for a moment to think of you and "wish you were (t)here." What a lovely gesture to forward you a small piece of their holiday self.
I used to have a postcard buddy from high school - whenever we went on a trip we sent each other postcards (sometimes silly ones that made me laugh). And even if we hadn't seen in each other in a long time it made me think fondly of him and that he remembered. Sadly we drifted like icebergs, as high school friends sometimes do, but it was a cool thing we had for a time. Get a postcard buddy!
You don't need to go on a trip to send a postcard either. Send postcards from your hometown to friends and relatives far away. Art cards. Cut out cereal boxes. Search around on Etsy for something fun! Write a heartfelt message on the back, a joke, a favourite quotation or draw a picture - your friend or loved one won't be disappointed!
306/1000 Four cereal box postcards and two letters going out!