Thursday, May 23, 2013

Special Days...

We can send cards for all kind of days and special occasions - whether they are store bought or  handmade...and we do (at least I do)...Mother's Day, Father's Day, Birthdays, Engagements, Weddings, Graduations...and many more. And I know some people who think that some of these are made up days or "hallmark" holidays. I love any excuse to send mail to someone and share my like/love/friendship with them.

That first kiss lead to this...yep, had a feeling.
But why not come up with your own special days - they often can be the most important and memorable. Every year I wish my husband a Happy First Kiss Day (not sure why I kept it in my mind but I remember it) - April 9th. I just realized as I am writing this blog post that this past one was actually our 10th First Kiss Anniversary. And really, I'm pretty sure that I kept track of the day because I had an inkling after that first kiss, that maybe, just maybe he might be a keeper (and yay, he was). I absolutely remember the day he proposed December 17th - a Friday - the last day of classes before Christmas Break (a happy day for two teachers...made even happier). He gets a lot of mail from us at work (Happy first week of classes, Happy last day of classes, We miss you/Love you...).

One of my sister-in-laws is a twin and in her family they celebrate Twin Day - the day their Mom found out she was having twins! Think about the fun you could have with this! The day someone you know gave up Diet Coke (okay that was me 106 days ago - going strong!) or the day someone you know made THE perfect cupcake/apple pie/_________ fill in your blank (a day that will go down in history perhaps or infamy). Or if you don't have a special day just yet send out a Happy Talk like a Pirate Day note (September 19th - marrrrrk it down on your calendarrrrr matey) or need something closer...Lollipop Day is July 20th...even closer...Go Barefoot Day on June 1st! See how fun this is.

Happy Thursday at least!

365/1000 - one today - a little celebration card just because :)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Operation Postcard

Quite a few years ago when I was teaching Creative Writing our school principal was off for a month after an operation, so as a class we all wrote postcards of encouragement and sent them off to her. She was thrilled.  I sent them all at once but I wish I'd staggered them a little bit so she would receive them little bit by little bit. Although I guess her mail box was flooded on that particular day. There were at least 30 in total and I dubbed the assignment "Operation Postcard." A few kids weren't too sure about the assignment but I think we need to give kids kindness opportunities often - then it becomes normal and easy.

I had a friend who recently organized something similar for a friend of ours who is going through chemo (she told us her idea about sending a postcard from our hometown with words of encouragement for our friend - whom I'm sure has been flooded with cards from around the world - facebook can definitely be a good thing). What a simple, sweet idea! Kindness and the written word go hand in hand! I know this friend is feeling the love!

Do you have a friend that could use some encouragement (because they are missing home or going through some struggles)? Gather up a group of people and create your own postcard blitz! Or maybe, you gather up a group of postcards and send them weekly to that someone who could use some lift to their week. I'm doing my own little blitz of postcards today (going to various people just to say hello). I bought these postcards below in the Ikea 'As Is' section - 5 cents for a package of 5! Woohoo - mail and a deal!

364/1000  **Postcard Blitz** That's 8 cards zipping around out!

Have you had the opportunity to send an rsvp reply to a wedding invitation anything fun with it? I like adding my own writing/comments and playing around with the fill in the blanks. But it is also fun to put something in the envelope (a cool picture of you and the couple, some tea, a magnet of a cool quotation about love, a coffee gift card for a treat during the stress of wedding planning, an article you clipped about marriage tips...well you get the picture).