Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Make Your Own Postcards!

Are you forever flattening cereal and cracker boxes for your recycling? Or boxes from other food and non-food delights? Two of my nieces and I made postcards the other night from cereal boxes and they are on their way to South Korea! Yes, finally South Korea - mail is coming your way :)

1. Find a box
2. Take an old postcard and trace it and cut it out
3. Write your message on the left and the address on the right
4. Make sure to leave room for the stamp :)
5. We rounded our edges with a rounded edge punch for a retro effect

Super fun! Give it a try!

Marvelous Mail near and far you go: Local x 2 (Surrey x 1, Vancouver x 1), Just yonder x 1 (Osoyoos), Very worldly x 3 (South Korea x 2, Norway x 1)



jenna said...

that looks fun! I love the printing!

Alison said...

You always make the cutest things! I wish I were that crafty.