Sunday, February 2, 2014

Shared Memory

Do you have special sayings or inside jokes you share with friends and family?  Little moments that you replay over and over with each other? Something probably comes to mind as you read that sentence. Nicknames even, are little stories in themselves aren't they - full of memory, snapshots in time. Warm yourself this week with some of these moments, stories, & names. And once you've basked in the good times pass it on.  Send some memories to someone this week. Write down a phrase that will get a friend gut laughing just by reading it or get them smiling from ear to ear at a little trip down memory lane (even if that memory is just from last week).

 Or maybe it will just be a time and a place - and that will be enough to bring them back to a special moment.

I'm writing journals to my kids - an idea I got from a beautifully creative person in my life. But as my husband was telling someone...they are secret journals or maybe surprise is a better word. I'm hoping to pass them onto them when they are older (lates teens maybe)...a real trip down memory memories of them. Something I've been clinging to this week is a phrase that my daughter and I share (usually at bedtime but often whenever the mood strikes)...I say to her, "I love you to the moon and back" (not an uncommon sentiment that parents share with their kids) but what gets me every time is when she turns to me and says, "I love you to the sun and back. That's farther right?" And I hold her close and reply, "Yes, yes it is." And time stops until I release her from my arms. I was reminded by a very special Mom this weekend to write down our kids' stories because as much as we want to remember we sometimes forget little moments. And we never truly know how long we have with them (or anyone).

So share some stories this week - by post, by email, by phone, by text, in person...make a connection and share a smile.

We're all just stories in the end.

682/1000 Two totally terrific tokens...

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