Earlier this year I "signed on" to receive a random act of kindness from my friend Tracie (I was one of five) and in turn offered to do the same for five other people, who in turn would offer to the same for five other people, who...you get it right. I did the same thing last year in January 2013 and it was a lot of fun. I have to say that I haven't had a chance to pay it forward to my peeps just yet for this round. I need to get my thinking cap on for sure! But now I am inspired because I received the coolest gift from Tracie last week!
Super cool for so many reasons! I love it because it is a great family piece, it is handcrafted (love the craftiness), and if you don't know...I love scrabble! So what an amazing and thoughtful gift! A big thank you to Tracie (who also happens to be the mom of Piper's pen pal). And she is on my list too...
And while a pay it forward challenge is cool you certainly don't need a reason to send out a random act of kindness - I sometimes think that no reason is the best reason - an unexpected kindness! And yes, the cost of postage has gone up but still under a dollar to send some domestically, under two dollars to send to the US and under three dollars to send letter mail internationally is really a great deal (it flies all over the world from your hands to a friend - less than a latte, seriously). So while I was initially bummed about the prices I know it won't stop me from sending out love to my friends and family near and far.
Send out some love, send out some kindness and send out some mail! You just might get some in return (words, photos, magazine articles, a recipe, coupons, favourite quotations, nail art, a lottery ticket, an old note from junior high, a copy of a yearbook message or photo, a poem, a picture of cool graffiti, a pressed flower, a gift card, a postcard of a favourite piece of art or place, scratch and sniff stickers, bookmark, art...I think there are a few new ideas in there since I last wrote a list). Do with it what you will!
760/1000 Seven more!
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