Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mail is Good.

Earlier this week I received this lovely card in my mailbox!

So blessed to have such lovely friends! Really, my heart just warmed when I saw the handwritten name and address. Oh and that lovely teal coloured envelope. But really it was the words inside and the person who wrote them that absolutely made my day. Thank you so much! You know who you are! Guess what could be doing this for someone right now or who knows maybe there is one on its way to you!

The other cool thing I received this week was in this beautiful box.

This is a Tea-zer from Steeped Tea - I was lucky enough to be the recipient of this monthly mail out! I get two random 50g bags of tea for 6 months! So exciting to see what I will get and try something new. Looking forward to trying Strawberry Shortcake. I do love blank-of-the-month type gifts. Just really extends the love and there are so many cool ones out there (wine, cheese, beer, tea, treats/products for pets to name a few).  

Another great gift-of-the month would be a magazine mom sent my daughter a subscription of Chickadee and she loves getting it every month! We talk about who sent it to her and then read through it together and man does she ever read through each issue a lot (well used). She talks about how she has a collection of them is quite happy about it. She also get a free monthly Lego Magazine which she adores as well. The mail can bring so much happiness, a break from the mundane (flyers, bills), a moment with a friend, a laugh, a smile...yep, mail is cool like that.

771/1000 Just one for now.

P.S. It's Mother's Day on Sunday. Do you have a mom in your life that would love a card? Your Mom? A single Mom? A Mom you admire? Make it happen!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Mailbox Monday


Mailbox Monday or Casella Postale Lunedi comes to you from Venice, Italy. My lovely cousin was visiting Italy (with her 4 month old son - who was a rockstar on the plane by the way) and snapped this great photo of this fab mailbox. Dreaming of travel!

Have a great week everyone!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Books and Silliness

     My oldest niece just turned 13 this spring and she's just lovely! As an English teacher (on hiatus), professed book lover, and avid reader I always feel sad when kids in my class don't like reading. Not necessarily class novels - as much as I love Lord of the Flies it probably isn't exciting for everyone (I even like the black and white movie - seriously?). But I am a strong believer that non-readers just haven't found the right book yet (to get them started). And this is the case with my niece. She liked reading for a while I think but then suddenly wasn't interested...until now! It just took a certain series of books to flick the switch for her.

     It's really cool because my husband and I have been able to 'feed' her books, so to speak, from our book shelves. Sharing books and talking about them is a special gift. And I definitely advocate sharing your favourite books with friends and family because they really are a little piece of who we are - we often find ourselves in books and that is part of their beauty. Easy to pop in the mail or even an excerpt that really means something to you.

No shortage of books to lend here.
Two of our five bookshelves that we purge often.

     In addition to lending out books this week I received another silly letter back from my niece J and had a great time writing her back - maybe, I'm enjoying it more than she is? Either way it's a lot of fun to be creative with it to see what silliness I can come up with - pancake fights, bacon jewellery, and skunk jerky - oh it's on!

     And pleased to report that on my way out to run errands I mailed her letter and when I came back to my car my two year old pointed to the mailbox and said, "mail." Now he has new words everyday lately but have to say this is one of my favourites this week! Yep, he knows what his Mama is up to - love that kid!

     Then on my way back from running errands I stopped to check our mail and lo and behold my 11 year old niece S (J's sister) sent me a silly letter - Oh we've started something here! So looking forward to sitting down and writing back! So S tells me she's travelling the world...and other crazy hijinks. Both nieces only live a block and a half away actually (with sister K too) but there is something magical about mail and what we are doing here. Keep that in mind. Mail is not always about distance, it is often just about relationships.

770/1000 1, 2 & 3 to the count this week! Slowly but surely.

P.S. One of those fab letter is going to Stephanie with something special inside for guessing the movie from my last post! And it was Finding Forrester. Way to go Steph!