Monday, September 16, 2013

Oh Glorious Summer!

     We've been visiting a lot of places that we normally send mail too - so fun! I imagine I'm not the only one. We feel like we've had the one of the best summers of our lives over here - weather was great but really it was all about visiting friends and family and doing lots of things together - including camping with the kids for the first time!

Beautiful Summer Sunset in Wabasca, Alberta
One of our stops this summer - 16 hour drive (with kids - yikes!)
     My kids also had the chance to be in a wedding - flower girl (loved the dress and took her job very seriously) and ring bearer (at 18 months we weren't sure how this was going to go down - happy to say he nailed it).

Flower Girl

Ring Bearer

     And while we were enjoying summer (and trying not to be inside too much) the count has been working its way up with thank you letters, postcards, notes and a bunch of chain letters...wait, what? Okay, not a chain letter of old and not as nefarious as it is a sticker chain letter - totally fun for kids (had it sent my way and passed it on). I've seen a similar one with books instead of stickers (again, fun mail for kids).

Hopefully this gives you the idea!

     And I'm finally getting to the computer on a cool, September morning. Yep, it seems Fall is here. It was an amazing summer but Fall brings a lot of fun too!  Love the smell of the cool air and how it makes me want to cozy up in a sweater and drink tea on my back deck. Oh yes Fall, you have a place in my heart too. A great time to send your favourite tea/hot chocolate/coffee to a friend in the mail or take some fall photos and send them off to family (you know the ones where you are jumping into the leaf pile).

424/1000 added 15 to the count!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Fall is my favourite :)